Monday, November 2, 2009

Kira-Kira Paragraph 1

I read the book Kira-Kira rated it a 9.9. I love everything about the book except Lynn dying in the end. On the other hand, if she would have gotten well again, and she and her family lived happily ever after, the book would have been way too predictable.
My favorite thing about this book is the characters’ personalities. I like how when someone really hurts her, Lynn’s still able to forgive them right away. In the beginning of the book, Lynn gets attacked by a dog. Her little sister Katie throws a milk bottle at the dog, but misses, making the bottle crash on the road. The dog forgets about Lynn and sprints to lap up the milk. Katie helps Lynn up and starts walking her back to the house, but Lynn runs to the dog and shoos it away from the milk. “He might cut his tongue on the glass,” Lynn worried.
Katie has a different personality than her sister. She’s sweet and caring, for others like Lynn, but also has a temper. In the middle/end of the book, Lynn asks for a glass of water, and Katie gladly gets it for her. When she comes back, Lynn says she wanted milk, not water, so Katie has to go get that for her instead. When she arrives back with Lynn’s glass of milk, Lynn, being sick with anemia, is annoyed easily. She says she wanted water, not milk, and smashes the milk-filled glass on Katie’s brand new rug. Katie is furious, and starts yelling at her sister. They get into a huge fight, ending in, “I hate you!” Lynn dies before they were able to apologize.
Except for the minor fights, Lynn and Katie were best friends. Reading about all the fun they had was really enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. And you could have read this book for Asia! Wbut, good choice! I like how you combine summary with your discussion on personality. This way, it is done by offering support for your claim. That's a skill!:)
